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Address: TING GmbH i.L.
Steinerne Furt 95
D-86167 Augsburg
E-Mail: info@ting.eu
Liquidator: Samuel Eisele
Corporate office: Germany
ID-Number: 103/140/20486


Note on the contents and links contained in these web pages
The district court of Hamburg ruled in its judgment of December 5, 1998, that the creation of a link on a web page may lead to responsibility for the contents of such a linked page on the part of the party placing such a link. Due to this decision, we specifically point out that we have no influence on the design or the contents of pages to which we have linked. In this respect we expressly dissociate ourselves from all contents of any page which may be linked to any part of this website, including all sub-pages. This declaration applies to all links to this home page and to all contents of any page to which any link or banner may lead.



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